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ID Check (New!)
Stacey Avery avatar
Written by Stacey Avery
Updated over 11 months ago

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Sine Core's ID check requires visitors to present and scan their government issued driver's licence as part of the check-in process.


  • This feature is available on all plans, however there is an additional fee per iPad installation. Fee is $450USD / $500AUD per year per iPad.

  • An iPad running SinePoint Pro 1.32 or newer. We recommend an iPad released within the last 4 years.

  • An iPad stand with scanning tray

    • Stands Compatible with the ID Card Card Scanning Tray:
      Elite Desk Stand
      Elite Floor Stand
      Elite Gemini* (New Product coming soon)

How it works:

iPad Check-in

1. Tap the Check-in button to begin:

image is home screen of Sine check-in on iPad

2. Tap First time user here to reveal the visitor details screen.

3. Sine will prompt you to choose what ID type you are scanning

*If you wish not to use your ID, you can click on 'Check-in manually:

4. First name and last name will be pre-filled from the ID information. Proceed to completing other required fields (such as mobile and email)

5. The next few steps are the typical check-in process. If your site requires forms, host selection or company, the visitor will be asked to complete these fields. If a printer is connected, and badge printing is enabled for this site or visitor type, a visitor badge will print. Guests will now be checked-in and visible on the activity feed to Sine admins.

Administrative view

A pass is created after a visitor has completed their check-in.

Clicking on the pass, opens a modal which exposes the ID scan.

Clicking on 'view details', exposes further information on the validity check completed and document name.

About Regula Forensics

Regula Forensics is a third party application that Sine Core has partnered with to provide customers the ability to scan their identity document across multiple languages and countries. Current documents accepted are drivers licenses and passports.

The validity check is based on thousands of documents collected and trained against a machine learning based process to identify documents that look to be real or fake. The Regula Forensics system considers placement of text, images, quality of lighting, halograms, document type and status of expiration as considerations in determining this.

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