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Team Scoped Hosts Set-Up

These hosts are scoped to a team, rather than a site. They operate the same as other site hosts but are available across all sites on a team

Rhiannon Shepherd avatar
Written by Rhiannon Shepherd
Updated over a year ago

Team Scoped Hosts are hosts that are scoped to a team rather than a site. They function the same as site hosts would when selected by guests or in invites etc, but they are available across all sites on a team.

Please note:

  1. By default, accounts are limited to 5000 hosts per team. Hosts are unlimited on all Sine plans (subject to appropriate use) and so this can be increased on request — please chat with our support team.

  2. The contents of this page are intended for a system administrator or IT specialist to set up automatic host upload. Please contact them for assistance in setting up this feature.

  3. The ‘cURL’ command is not natively supported in some programs such as Windows Powershell.

Team Scoped Hosts can be added by uploading a CSV file which contains the information of the hosts to be added. A CSV file can be generated from your database via Active Directory or you can export your existing Site Scoped Hosts and make the required changes to set up Team Scoped Host.

To add, edit or delete team scoped hosts, you will need to use the /host-csv-upload/ endpoint in the API.

How to upload:

1. Export your hosts list for the team you wish to add team scoped hosts to. To do this, begin by selecting 'Hosts' from the side menu.

hosts button in the sine dashboard

2. Click 'Export Host CSV'

3. Edit the CSV to convert any site scoped hosts to team scoped hosts by removing the 'Site Name' data for the relevant hosts entry. Ensure you save the CSV before closing.


Updated to Team Scoped Hosts

CSV Layout:

Please see this sample CSV, in order to correctly format your CSV output so that it can be read by Sine’s database.

The following is the header layout required in the CSV for correct parsing:

Email, First Name, Last Name, Group Name, Site Name, Mobile

This must be the first line of your CSV file. All fields are case-sensitive. The mobile field must be in the header, but hosts’ mobile numbers are optional. The site name should be blank for Team Scoped Hosts.

Using the cURL command

NOTE: cURL is not natively supported in some programs such as Windows Powershell. Please follow the steps outlined below to ensure that you are running cURL correctly.

Now that you have your CSV file, you will need to ensure your system can use the cURL command correctly. As some systems (such as Windows computers) do not support cURL by default and it may be necessary to download cURL. To ensure you are running the correct version of cURL, please follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to this site:

2. Select curl executable.

3. For “Operating System”, choose which operating system you are running from the drop-down menu.

4. For "What Flavour", select Generic from the drop-down menu.

5. For "Which OS Version", select Unspecified from the drop-down menu.

6. For "What CPU", leave it as the default.

7. Download the applicable file. Here’s an example for Selecting Windows 10 - 64 Bit Operating System.

8. Once the file has downloaded, navigate to it and find the curl.exe file. This will be in the “bin” folder.

9. In Windows computers, hold shift and right-click on the curl.exe file. After doing so, a drop-down menu should open up, please click on Copy as Path(using the default click only).

10. Open your default terminal and paste the path in there (remove the quotes around it). It should read similar to:

PS C:\Users\username>  "C:\Users\username\Downloads\curl-7.66.0-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe

Completing the cURL command

1. In the Sine dashboard, navigate to 'Team'

2.. Next, select 'API Keys'

3. Then, select 'Generate' to generate an API key if you do not already have one.

4. Once your API key has been generated, tick the options you wish to include in your request.

"Replace all hosts with CSV" will delete any hosts entries that are not included in the CSV.
"Send welcome emails to new hosts" will send an invite to each new user added in the CSV to claim their host account.

5. Once you have selected your upload preferences, click 'Copy cURL to Clipboard"

6. Edit the request and replace the term 'api-key' with 'team' in the URL. Then, replace "HostsFile.csv" with the full path and same name as your Hosts CSV file.

curl -F "file=@User/Downloads/HostsFile.csv" "" -H "X-Sine-Api-Key: 9DviqexuVntA9Dv"

7. Send the cURL request. When the upload is successful, you will receive a confirmation email similar to the below.

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