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All CollectionsCompaniesGetting Started with Companies
An introduction to Forge VCM's Companies
An introduction to Forge VCM's Companies

This article will take you through everything you need to get started with the Companies module.

Written by Kirk Stanton
Updated over 8 months ago

Companies adds another dimension to your compliance toolbox, giving you the ability to maintain an up to date list of approved companies to ensure your Workflows users are not only individually compliant but so too are the organisations they work for.

In this article we will cover:

Creating a company

There are two ways to add new companies to the Companies platform—either one at a time through the Add Company modal or, if you are dealing with a large number of companies, you can use the CSV import function.

Add company modal

To get started, navigate to the Companies module from the main nav, and select Add Company in the top right corner. This will open the company creation modal to be populated.

Then fill in as many of the fields as you require, only the Company name is required, all other fields are optional. These fields are outlined below:

Company details

Company name

The name of the company as it will appear throughout Sine platform.

Company logo

Upload a company logo, this will appear in the Company profile section where users can see an overview of that company at a glance.

Company website URL

Include the company's URL here, this will create a direct link to their website from the Company profile section.

Company address

The address where the company is located. This field uses Google Maps API to auto-complete and speeds up the data entry process.


By default, this field accepts an Australian Business Number (ABN) and runs a validation check against the ABN Register, preventing the entry of an invalid ABN.

If you would like to use a different identifier, you can toggle the Identifier type to Other using the dropdown menu. Then, enter your chosen identifier for the company.

Contact details

Contact name

The name of your organisation's contact at the company.

Contact email

The best email address for your organisation's contact at the company.

Additional details

Company status

This status can be used by Workflows to affect site check-ins and workflow submissions. If this functionality is enabled, then the product will only accept workflows and check-ins from users associated with an Active company.

Admin notes

This gives you a free text entry field to enter any notes that may be useful for sharing between the administrators of your Companies module. These are not seen by the company or its visitors, only your administrators.

Import companies from CSV

Currently, CSV import is managed by Sine. If you would like to bulk import a company list please get in contact with your Sine representative.

You can pre-populate a CSV ready for upload using the below template:

Companies CSV Import Template

Editing a company profile

To edit a company, click the ellipsis next to that company's name and select Edit.

Then make any changes you need, and ensure you click Save.

Requesting and managing documents

There are two ways to populate documents in a company profile:


When a document is requested, the contact person for that company will receive an email prompting them to upload the requested document.

To send a document request, click the name of the company in your list to navigate to their company profile. Then click the Documents tab and select Request document.

To complete your document request, enter a Name for the document, select the Document Type (these are defined and set using the Settings module of the Companies app), toggle if an expiry date should be entered by the uploader and then enter a Message to the recipient of the request.

Once all fields have been populated, click Send Request to complete your request.


Alternatively, if you already have the documents on hand and simply need to add them to the company profile, or perhaps received the document through another medium, you can upload the document directly to the company's profile yourself as an administrator.

To upload a document, click the name of the company in your list to navigate to their company profile. Then click the Documents tab and select Upload document.

Fill in the relevant information, including the Name, Document Type and Expiry Date. Then select the document from your device using the upload section and select Upload to complete the process.

Disabling and activating companies

Company statuses are updated automatically, but they can also be changed manually.

Automatic company status updates

When a company is added to the Companies list, its status is set to 'active'. If its compliance status changes, however, it will automatically be changed to 'disabled'.

For example, if an existing document expires and a new version is not uploaded, the company's status will automatically change to 'disabled'.

How to manually update company status

To manually update the status of a company, click the status indicator and select the status you want for that company.

This can also be completed using the status indicator in the Company Profile view.

How company status works when Companies is connected to Workflows

When connected to Workflows, company status can be used to prevent anyone from an inactive company from checking in.

Adding tags to companies

Tags can be added to companies, giving you a quick and easy way to visually categorise companies at a glance. We will cover both creating tags, and applying them to companies.

Creating tags

There are two ways to create tags, either directly from the Companies List, or through the Settings page.

To edit from the Companies List, click + add tag next to the company you want to apply a tag to, then, select + Create new tag.

Type the name of your tag in the Name field, select a colour for that tag, then click Create to finish creating your tag.

To create a tag from the Settings page, first, navigate to Settings using the left navigation bar. Then click the Manage Tags tab.

Select + Create New Tag. Then, type the name of your tag in the Name field, select a colour for that tag, and then click Create to finish creating your tag.

Connecting the Companies and Workflows modules

When Companies is activated for your team, you will have the option to manage this link in the Workflows app.

This connection is managed on a per workflow basis, allowing you to have workflows that rely on the Companies list as you have entered it, while others remain unlinked.

To get started, navigate to the Workflows app, then select the workflow you want to link from your list. In the Settings tab, scroll to the Sine Companies section.

Toggle Enable Sine Companies on. Then, you can configure your connection as needed, this includes:

  • Description
    An optional description that will be included in the workflow for respondents, here you can explain how this dropdown and company selection will be used.

  • Allow new company
    When allowed, users can enter a company that is not included in the dropdown

  • Company status affects check-in
    When enabled, only users from a company with an active status will be able to check in, users from an inactive company will be rejected at check-in.

Company information on a workflow response

On a submitted workflow response an Admin will be able to see whether a company name is listed in Sine Companies and if so its status and expiry date based on expiry date of documents against that company.

User experience at check-in

Once Company status affects check-in is enabled, users may be rejected at check-in if their company is not active. The user will receive a notification on the iPad informing them that they have been rejected due to their company's status, along with an email notification with further details.

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