Instead of creating an account or signing in before being able to complete a workflow response, users would be able to complete the response, unauthenticated and would be asked to optionally create an account after submitting the response. This can be helpful for saving valuable time arriving at site; eliminating frustration with time spent creating accounts and allowing for unrestricted faster check-ins.
Settings and sharing
Once you have created your workflow, navigate to the workflow settings and ensure the 'Make workflow private' toggle is disabled. This will allow you to share your workflow for unauthenticated response submission. Any users who do already have an account will still have the option to log in from the top right corner of the screen if they choose to do so.
Once the response has been submitted, the user will be notified via email of approval when it has been approved, as well as being shown any other available forms. On the submission screen, the user has the ability to download a PDF copy of their responses as well as being offered the option to create an account.