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Uploading CSV Invitations

When a large group of guests are set to arrive in the future, the CSV Invitation Upload feature lets you add any amount of guests quickly.

Mark avatar
Written by Mark
Updated over a week ago

When a large group of guests are set to arrive in the future, the CSV Invitation Upload feature lets you add any amount of guests quickly – by uploading a CSV file with guest details instead of entering them manually.

The CSV for invitations must be in the following format:

  • First Name, Last Name, Email, Company, From, To, Type, Site Name, Host Email, Message, Admin Notes, Mobile, Subject

  • The From and To Time must be in the following format: “DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm” (eg. 24/05/2016 19:25).

To access Invitations CSV Upload:

  1. Select Invitations from the side-menu. The Invitations screen will appear.

2. Select Upload CSV at the top of the screen.

3. The Upload CSV Invitation overlay will appear.

4. Drag the CSV you wish to upload into the dotted box or select from the file picker.

5. If you would like to notify your guests of their invitation, select Notify guests with an email invitation.

6. Click Add Invitations. Your invitations will be added to the list.

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