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Invitations and pre-registration explained.

Zabiualla avatar
Written by Zabiualla
Updated over 4 months ago

Invitations List

The new Invitations List has an improved layout:

Let’s show how each section can help you manage your invitations far more easily.

Title Bar

This is the Title Bar. Here we can invite a guest using the same methods as before, we can upload a CSV of invitations and we can also show and hide Invite Attribute Columns. These are the columns displayable in the invitations list:

In the Invitations List, you may show and hide the columns using the Invite Attribute Columns button to suit your preferences. For example if you need to see invitations’ email and mobile, simply tick these boxes to change the list. You can show and hide as many columns as you wish.

Filter Bar

The Filter Bar lets you easily filter your invitations by date, name or site. You may select to show invites pending today, tomorrow, within the next 7 days, or choose to show all invites or expired invites. You may further filter this list by invitee name and can also show invitations just to a particular site. In our example, we have invites spanning over several days, which show up in all date ranges which match the invite.

Invitations Listing

This section is where the invitations are shown. The column headers define the columns and all columns are sort-able. The column with an arrow shows how the list is currently sorted. The checkbox on the left in the column selects all currently visible invitations.

Selecting a particular invitation will change the Title Bar:

You may print selected invitations from the Print menu in the Title Bar. Make sure to select the corresponding badge type required. Further batch operations will be available in the future.

Invite Menu

In each invite entry, a menu is available.

Here, you can print, message, edit or delete an invite from the list. You may also edit an invitation simply by clicking on its entry on the list.

If you need to check in an invitee, simply click on the Check in now button and they will be checked in directly:

Invitation Required Mode

If your Site is tight on security, you may wish to automatically reject all guests attempting to check-in without an invitation to your site. This is possible with the brand new feature: Invitation Required mode.

Invitation Required mode allows only guests who’ve been invited to your Site to check-in. You’re able to specify which visitor types this restriction applies to. To enable:

  1. Go into the Sites tab.

  2. Select the Site you wish to enable Invitation Required mode.

  3. Click the Passes tab.

  4. Scroll down to the Check-in section and find the Invitation Required option.

  5. Select which types of visitors need to be invited to check in.

  6. Once you’ve selected the appropriate visitor types, make sure to save your changes further down.

When a guest of any selected visitor type attempts to check-in on site, Sine will check whether they have been invited to your site or not. If they haven’t, they’ll receive a rejection message:

Note: The invite needs to be active in order to successfully check-in, so visitors cannot check-in earlier than the arrival time stated on the invite.

Early Check-in Window

By default, Sine allows invited guests to check in up to 15 minutes before their scheduled invitation start time.

Site and team administrators can adjust this Early check-in window under their site settings, allowing anywhere between 15-60 minutes to better accommodate guest arrival patterns at your site. Learn how to configure early check-in windows.

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