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Complete Pre-Registration with Fast Track Details

Visitors can now submit their check-in form responses after receiving an invitation.

Stacey Avery avatar
Written by Stacey Avery
Updated over 4 months ago

Over the past year we've focused on a theme of reducing congestion at the point of check-in. One way that we did this was creating a new web-based check-in for visitor's on their mobile devices to try to alleviate kiosk queues.

How it works

Enabling and choosing questions to exclude:

Turn on Fast Track for the site.

A screenshot of the fast track toggle from site settings.

Once fast track is ON, your site's check-in forms will be available to complete as part of the fast track pre-registration process.

If you would like to ensure a visitor completes a question while on site, then you can hide a check-in question from appearing in pre-registration using the 'Hide field from fast track' toggle found under Check-in Forms. This toggle only appears if pre-registration is enabled for the site.

The invited guest experience:

Once the fast track setting is toggled ON, the invited visitor will receive an email to complete their fast track details along with the optional content that a host can add to their invitation.

After clicking on 'complete your fast track details' the user will be navigated to the web check-in flow to submit their check-in required fields. Once they click 'save details', the visitor details will be saved against their invitation.

Once it come time for the visitor to arrive to site and formally check-in, the visitor only needs to scan their fast track QR code at the iPad to check-in OR they can return to their email and click 'Manage your invitation' to open the check-in page on their mobile device.

Provided that the visitor is within 15 mins of the invitation start time and is following the site based geofence rules, the visitor will see an updated check-in screen with the new button to 'check-in'.

Screenshot of the updated fast track details screen, showing the visitor they are ready to check-in.

The admin experience:

A new status column has been added to the 'Invitations' page inside the dashboard.

Once a visitor has submitted and saved their fast track details, a status of 'fast track ready' will appear. The admin can open the invitation to inspect the completed questions.


  1. Can an admin review and reject fast track details?

    1. An administrator can review any submitted fast track details when the status change has been updated to 'fast track ready'. The admin can delete an invitation therefore deleting the saved details associated with that visitor. When an invitation is deleted a visitor does not receive an email of this change. It is important the admin notify the visitor.

    2. For an approval process form flow, we recommend our customers checkout Sine Workflows which seamlessly integrates with your site check-in.

  2. Who can see fast track details submitted?

    1. Anyone who has access to managing that invitation - Hosts, Front Desk Admins, Site Admins, or Team Admins

  3. What invitation creation methods are supported?

    1. All methods: csv upload (as long as notify is ticked), Outlook add-in or ics integration.

  4. Why can't a visitor just check-in once they complete fast track details? Why is this a separate status?

    1. We created a separate status to help customers differentiate between a visitor who is on site versus expected to come to site. This is especially helpful for customers with access control requirements, integrations that are run against a check-in, and determining duration of time for pass expiry.

    2. If your site does not have access control or integrations and would like a visitor to check-in early, we recommend that you follow steps in web check-in to remove the geofence restriction and complete a check-in.

  5. What happens if my visitor submits fast track details but then there are changes to the check-in questions or hosts before they check-in?

    1. No worries, we will simply ask the visitor to complete these missing fields on their check-in screen.

If this sounds of value to your building's needs, please register here to mark your interest and we will be in touch.

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