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Core Reports

Sine can provide you powerful usage insights and reporting, make sure you're using them to their full potential with our guide on reports.

Michael Jones avatar
Written by Michael Jones
Updated over 6 months ago

The Reports Page contains a variety of tools to provide a in-depth analysis of many different types of information available across all of your sites at once. To access the Reports page, click on the Reports button on the sidebar.

Insights Page

At the top of the Insight page you can see all the current, pending, and total check-ins as well as the number of rejected or auto-expired guests. These tabs can be toggled between to view data based on the status of passes.

You can explore your current data further by selecting data from the last 24 hours, 7 days or 31 days. Simply click the clock symbol next to the guest totals and choose which range you wish to view.

You can also choose to display only data for a specific set of Sites. Click the Site Filter drop-down and then toggle which Site(s) you wish to display.

or, you can choose to filter the data display based on Site tags to see specific groups of sites.

Visitor Type Chart

The Visitor Type chart will display a pie graph of all your check-ins for your currently selected filter settings. Your most common visitor types will be displayed with their name, colour and how many check-ins have occurred for that type.

Each segment of the chart can be hovered over to focus on that visitor type and display a percentage figure of how much that visitor type is used compared to the total amount of check-ins.

Device Type Chart

The Device Type chart will show you the distribution of check-ins for each platform with 3 categories. Mobile for iPhone or Android phone check-ins (Using the SinePro app), SinePoint Pro for iPad app check-ins and the web dashboard (using the web check-in interface).

Hovering over each segment will display a percentage total of how many users checked-in using that platform.

Visitor Types

The Check-in Trends graph displays total check-ins per visitor type line graphs, filtered by hourly, daily or weekly.

Hovering over the individual points on the graph will create a pop-up window that displays the total check-ins of that visitor type for that particular time.

You can also hover over each visitor type in the legend to focus on just that aspect of the line graph. Toggling the visitor type will display only that visitor type on the line graph, allowing you to display only selected visitor-type trends individually.


The Exceptions graph can be selected by clicking the Exceptions Toggle, next to the Visitor Types toggle.

This graph functions much like the visitor types graph, but is for auto-expired and/or rejected passes.


Under the Export page, you can export a csv of your check-in data. You can filter your data by site, company, date range or rejected passes. To access the Export page, simply click on the Export heading at the top of the page.

To use the export feature:

  1. Click the From date picker to select which date you want the report to start from

2. Click the To date picker to select which date you want the report to end on

3. (Optional) Click the Site drop-down to select a single Site you want to run a report on.

4. Enter a company name if you want to filter results to only those that include that company. Note: A company will only be added as a filter when it is inside a grey pill-box. Please ensure it looks like the picture below

5. Visitor Types
Restrict export to these visitor types. Add as many as you like or leave blank for all visitor types.

6. Toggle Export Rejected Passes only on if you wish to limit the results to show only rejected passes.

7. Click the Export Data button when you have selected all your filter settings

8. The message “Your data export is in progress” will appear. This will be shown whilst your export request is being handled.

9. Once the the data has been gathered, the message “Your data export finished” will be displayed. Select the Click to download button directly beneath this message to download your exported data.

10. Your exported data will now be downloaded as a CSV file and you will also be emailed a link to download your data.

Email Reports

Daily automatic email reports sends you (and your team) a daily summary of active passes still checked-in at your site and total guests for the day. You can set who you wish to receive the report, as well as what time you would like it to be sent out. The report will include the last 24 hours of data.

1. On the web dashboard go to the Reports menu item on the left hand side.

2. Select the Email Reports tab at the top.

3. Turn on Checked-In Email Summary.

4. Set a time each day you would like the report emailed to you.

5. Insert your email and if you wish others to receive the report too, add their emails separated by a comma.

6. You can then pick what information you would like sent to you in your automated daily report. The options include; Rejected, Checked-in now, Expired and All checked out passes

7. Click Save Changes.

You will now receive a Daily Report from the web dashboard automatically, each day at the set time.

To stop these emails, return to the Reports menu item, click on the Email Reports tab and turn off Send Email Checked In Summary.

Site List

This page displays a list of sites of all your active sites. It will display details such as the site creation date, average passes per day and site address.

To export the site list data:

  1. Click the Export Site List Data button

    2. Your data will now be downloaded as a CSV file

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