You are probably familiar with the existing Sine Core Reports tool. Sine Core Reports provides administrators a view of their visitor engagement for single or multiple sites, however it is limited to answering a few questions and showing data from Sine Core only. For several of our customers this is enough to answer the majority of what they want to know, eg how many are active, pending, rejected, expired? But for larger multi-site customers, there is additional questions Sine can answer for them.
In this support article, we will cover the new Admin Reports tool which is available to all customers on Large+ Plans.
Where do I find Admin Reports?
From Sine Core, navigate to the lower left hand box in your dashboard. Select the 'Admin' button
Select Reports
[Contact support if you have trouble with accessing the feature at [email protected] or using the chat bubble on our website or inside your dashboard.]
Explanation of reports
The Reports page is made up of three dashboards: Visitor Overview, Vendor Management and Compliance Overview.
Visitor Overview Dashboard
What is my overall check-in events?
Total check-ins, which means total check-in events: rejected, accepted, check-outs, and auto-expired.
What are my unique individual check-ins?
This report attempts to provide you awareness of how many people came to site. While a check-in event can reflect multiple visits in a day by a single person, the unique individual check-in report attempts to narrow this down to how many individual people checked in.
Note- if your site does not use a unique identifier (mobile or email) as part of check-in then the system will not be able to register the guest as an individual. Duplicates will be counted.
What monthly check-in volume am I seeing by visitor types?
In this report, you can see the monthly total number of check-ins by visitor types at your site.
What monthly check-in volume am I seeing by visitor types?
In this report, you can visually differentiate the month-on-month change in check-in behavior between visitor types at your site(s).
How long did my different visitor types stay on site?
This bar graph is measured in hours. It is a cumulative value of all check-ins under that visitor type for that month.
How did duration of time change amongst visitor types month-on-month?
This is a line graph that calculates the % of change between days as measured by the duration of hours calculated in the above report
How did my visitors check-in?
Sine has several different check-in methods. We capture them as default (dashboard), GPS (auto check-in), QR (scanned a QR poster using SinePro mobile app), web check-in (used the online visitor web check-in), or invitation (check-in was actioned from invitation).
How did my visitors check-out?
As above, but instead of invitation we have auto which means an automatic check-out due to pass expiry.
What device did my visitor use to check-in?
The options here are Sine Dashboard, SinePoint (kiosk), Web Check-in and SinePro (mobile app).
This report is slightly redundant of question #6 as you can discern the check-in device type from it's method, however it demonstrates the information in a bar graph which is visually different.
Vendor Management Dashboard
Note the data in this dashboard is pulling company name from the 'company' field in the check-in kiosk. It is not yet linked to Companies module - to come in the future.
How long did my vendors stay on site?
This report pulls the company name as entered in by the contractor at check-in to aggregate a report of duration of time per company.
Duration of time is calculated by counting all hours against all visitors that selected this company name per day.
How long did my vendors' contractors stay on site?
This report breaks down the information on a per individual level to provide more granular insight into what was counted per company as seen above.
What workflows were completed per company?
This report breaks down the number and type of workflows the individuals submitted that represented different companies. This is calculated by checking if a Workflow was required at check-in and what they submitted. Again, remember that company in this context is representative of the company entered at the check-in kiosk (not the company listed in Companies).
Note- If you are using Companies module, you will have the ability to see People and their respective workflows submitted per company. This is tied directly into individuals who selected the Company from submitting a Workflow.
Compliance Overview Dashboard
The reports in the dashboard are a series
Which individuals have expiring Workflow responses?
This report helps you track down which of your Workflow responses are expiring in the next 30 days. This commonly helpful for administrators to forecast and prevent friction at check-in for their contractors who will be rejected if not in active status.
This report is across sites, workflows and lists company names.
Why did visitors get rejected from checking in?
This report breaks down the reasons to help compliance officers report on why visitors were blocked from checking in. The most common reason is that Workflows was rejected or an integration rejected which blocked the check-in.
Which of my visitors got rejected and then didn't complete a successful check-in?
We can determine if a visitor ultimately checked in successfully by linking a positive check-in to a rejected one using mobile or email as the unique identifier.
Note- if your site does not ask for a unique identifier (mobile or email) we can not determine if a successful check-in was ultimately made.
Filtering dashboards
Each dashboard allows the user to filter by site, company, visitor type, start date and end date. The Compliance Overview dashboard also includes an expired date filter for workflows.
When you filter the dashboard, all the individual reports are filtered against this.
Exporting reports
If you apply a filter, the filter will be respected when you download the report.
Dashboards are not exportable, however individual reports are. Hover over the top right corner to expose a context menu. Click 'download results'
You have the option to download .csv, .xlsx, .json, .png or an unformatted version (see tool tip).
Frequently asked questions
Q. Where is the data being pulled from?
A. The data is pulled in real-time from our AWS hosted servers.
Q. How often is the data being synced?
A. Did we mention REAL-TIME? Yep! Sites with hundreds of volumes could see a slight delay on the first page load.
Q. How do I export reports?
A. Hover on each report's top right corner to expose context menu and click 'download'.
Q. Can I export a report by site?
A. Yes, you can filter by a single site or multiple sites in the dashboard's filter. Individual reports do not have additional filtering options.
Q. Can I schedule reports to automatically export or email me?
A. Not yet, but we are working on this.