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Roll Call in SinePro

Utilize Sine's Roll Call functionality during an evacuation.

Stacey Avery avatar
Written by Stacey Avery
Updated over a week ago

This feature is available on all plans. Make sure to update your SinePro app to take advantage of this feature.

Introducing Roll Call - a SinePro mobile app feature that is designed to simplify accounting for visitors. Whether you're accounting visitors across a conference or during an evacuation, this on-the-go feature makes it easy for administrators to accurately capture and report on who was accounted for and unaccounted for across one or many sites.

How it works

As a Team, Site or Front Desk & Security administrator, you will automatically find the Roll Call widget on your home screen in SinePro.

After tapping on the feature, you will find a list of visitors checked in across all your sites (that you have access to). You can filter this list by site.

The intuitive interface will make it easy to tick off (or account for) visitors. Clicking on the visitor record will open the details of the visitor, like email or phone number if provided.

Once you are ready to complete the roll call, tap on finish, confirm and this will trigger an automatic report which is emailed to you.

Key Points:

  • Can show all active passes across many sites or filter by site.

  • A report is generated of who is accounted for and unaccounted for at completion of roll call. This is automatically emailed to the person completing the roll call.

  • Can click on visitor in roll call to expose visitor’s pass information including phone number and email if provided

  • Reports are not shared with the Sine Dashboard

  • Multiple administrators can run a roll call at the same time, but they are treated independently.

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