The Procore integration requires a Large Sine plan or above. Please contact our sales team to discuss an upgrade, if required.
Sine check-in data > Procore
When a person checks into Sine, Sine will map to Procore based on the Sine visitor type to Procore. Site Diary entries include:
Man hours register
Visitor Log
Map Subcontractors to ManPower in Procore
Capture the number of workers that is entered in the Sine Check In form to Manpower
Map the vendor to a desired trade contained in Procore
Configure the number of hours for the vendor
Map Site Visitors to the Visitor Log in Procore
Record the name of the visitor
Record the check-in time of the visit
Record the check-out time of the visit
Before setting up the Procore Integration
Within the ProCore dashboard: For each location (ProCore 'Project') navigate to the Project Settings, 'Locations'
Uncheck the "Only allow locations to be created in the Location Manager" setting
How to Set-Up the Procore Integration
Prior to configuring this feature, please contact Sine Support and request for the integration to be activated. You can also chat with us via the chat icon in the bottom right of this page.
Once activated by Sine, you'll see the 'Procore' integration in your Site settings:
3. Click on the cog to configure your integration.
4. At this point the Procore integration page should look like the following (to proceed with the OAauth authorisation steps):
5. Clicking the orange Procore logo will take you to the login page. Please log in with Procore credentials to authorise Sines access to your Procore account.
Note: we strongly recommend using a generic "operations" email account here that is not ever deleted, rather than one which is linked to a specific person. Otherwise, your integration will fail if the email is deactivated (e.g. if the nominated person leaves your company).
6.On successful login, you will be redirected back to Sine and you should see the following page:
7. Add a company name and a project name that matches a company and project you have access to in Procore:
'Company Name' and 'Project Name' should match the 'Company' and 'Project' in your Procore dashboard:
(Sine will also match partial names, if there are multiple matches it will just match to first match returned back from Procore. If no matches are found an error will be returned back to the UI.)
Visitor Logs Configuration:
Enable writing to visitor logs
2. Select the visitor type for the integration
3. Enable Status:
4. Make sure to click on the SAVE button for any changes made:
Please note:
Visitor logs are created on a Check-out Success event. It creates a log in Procore → Quality and Safety → Daily logs →Visitor logs. It will create a visitor log entry based on the following information on the checked out pass:
First name
Last name
Company Name
Check in time
Check out time
Visitor type
Host name
Visitor logs can be toggled on and off, and can be run at the same time as manpower logs → for the same specified visitor types. If you need separate visitor types for visitor logs and manpower logs, create 2 separate Procore integrations.
Manpower Logs Configuration:
(Assistance from Sine Support required)
Enable writing to manpower logs
2. Select the visitor type for the integration
3. Enable Status:
4. make sure to click on the save button for any changes made:
5. Configure check-in forms for Manpower log via check-in form:
As per the above example, two questions are required:
To map the number of workers column in Procore. Field type should be Number
To map the number of hours column in Procore. Field type should be Number
6. Click SAVE to confirm changes.
7. Reach out to the Sine Support (or chat with us via the chat icon in the bottom right of this page) to update/complete your set up. Your integration will not work until Sine further configures the check-in form.
*Please note:
Manpower logs are created on the Check-in Success event, it creates a log in Procore → Quality and Safety → Daily Logs → Manpower Logs. It fills the number of workers and hours to the responses specified by the Check-in Forms, once Sine Support have assisted in routing these questions to Procore.
Manpower logs can be toggled on and off, and can be run at the same time as visitor logs → for the same specified visitor types. If you need separate visitor types for visitor logs and manpower logs, create 2 separate Procore integrations.
For further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.