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Companies CSV Upload
Stacey Avery avatar
Written by Stacey Avery
Updated over a week ago

Upload supplier or vendor data to your Companies list in bulk via CSV upload.

CSV upload is available to team administrators and Companies-level administrators. It can be useful when:

  1. You are adding your supplier or vendor data to Companies for the first time.

  2. You want to make substantial edits to vendor and supplier data already in your Companies list.

In this support article, we cover the following topics:

To learn how to download vendor and supplier data already in your Companies list, view our CSV download for Companies support article.

How to populate your CSV file

To avoid upload errors, you must ensure that your CSV is formatted correctly.

Required column names

Your CSV must include all of the columns shown in our CSV example template. To download a copy of this template, go to your Companies list and click ‘upload CSV’.

The template can be downloaded from the ‘import companies’ pop-up.

Required vendor / supplier detail

Within your CSV file, the following company-level data is required for each vendor / supplier -


Your vendor or supplier’s company name.

The company name is required, and it must be unique. If it is not, an error message will display on upload.


A vendor or supplier’s compliance status in Sine Companies

A status of active or disabled must be included within the status column. An individual from a disabled company cannot check-in to site when Workflows and Companies are connected.

External ID (externalID)

For vendors or suppliers who are new to your Companies list, externalID can be left blank. When added, each vendor / supplier will automatically be assigned its own unique externalID.

If you have downloaded a CSV file of existing suppliers / vendors from your Companies list, and you intend to make changes and re-upload, do not edit the externalID column. This will result in upload errors.

Optional vendor / supplier detail

The following information does not have to be included for each vendor / supplier within your CSV file:


vendor / supplier address.


vendor / supplier website.


a unique company identifier, such a DUNS number or an ABN.


the name of your vendor / supplier contact.


your contact’s vendor / supplier contact.


notes only visible to Company admins.

How to upload your CSV file

Once you have populated your CSV file, you can upload it by clicking the ‘upload CSV’ button.

A pop-up will then appear. Follow the prompts to upload.

If your CSV is populated correctly, your file should begin to upload, and you will see the following message.

You will then receive an email with the subject line ‘Finalize CSV import’ from [email protected]. Click ‘review and confirm import’ to see a ‘Review and confirm import’ summary. Follow the prompts to update your Companies list.

When your vendor and supplier data has successfully been uploaded, you will receive a ‘CSV import complete’ email from [email protected].

What to do if you’re unable to upload your CSV

If your CSV file is not properly formatted, you will receive an error message when you try to upload.

Error #1: an incorrectly formatted CSV file

If you have not included the correct columns within your CSV file, you will receive an error message like this -

To troubleshoot – download a copy of the CSV example template, as per the steps in How to Populate your CSV. Ensure that your CSV file includes the same columns in the same order.

Error #2: An incorrectly populated CSV file

You will receive the above error message if you have not included all required data (i.e. company name, company status for each vendor / supplier) within your CSV file.

To troubleshoot, click on the 'download CSV' button in the section, 'download CSV with errors'. In this file, you will see a new column called error. Use the detail included in the this column to fix the issues preventing upload and follow the CSV upload steps again.

Uploading tags to your Companies list

Tags must be created within Companies before they can be uploaded via CSV. Tag names included on your CSV, but not already added within your Companies dashboard will be ignored.

When uploading a list of tags, they must be included in this format -

“tagName1, tagName2, …”

Updating data for multiple suppliers / vendors with CSV upload + download

For suppliers and vendors already in your Companies list

A CSV of the data within your Companies list is created for you (as per the above format) when you choose ‘download CSV’.

This makes it easier for you to update information for multiple suppliers / vendors:

  1. Make changes within your downloaded CSV file. Remember to follow the guidelines in ‘how to populate your CSV file’.

  2. Once you have finished updating the file, save it and follow the steps in this article to upload to your Companies list.

  3. Any new or updated information will be added to the vendors / suppliers within your Companies list on upload.

If you have problems uploading the CSV file, you will receive an error message. Refer to ‘what to do when your CSV file won’t upload’ for troubleshooting assistance.

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