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Best practice for iPad backgrounds and logos
Best practice for iPad backgrounds and logos

Customise your iPad interface with your logos and background images.

Rhiannon Shepherd avatar
Written by Rhiannon Shepherd
Updated over a year ago

The SinePoint Pro app can be customised with your organisation's logo and up to three backgrounds of your choosing. If you choose multiple backgrounds, these will fade between each other every 10 seconds.

In this article we will look at:

Best practice for your logos and backgrounds

When it comes to logos and backgrounds, simpler is often better. By keeping backgrounds clean and simple in their design, you can ensure that the Sine interface is easy to read and understand. This helps all your visitors have a great experience and experience the full benefits of a streamlined, digital check-in process!

Site Logo

The Site Logo should be 500 pixels wide, by 200 pixels high. This will become the default logo for your site. It appears on printed badges, emails and digital passes within the Sine Pro mobile app.

In most situations, with the exception of emails to users who have a dark mode enabled, this logo will appear on a white background. So it is best to use a dark version of your logo, centred within an image that is 500 x 200 pixels, with a transparent background.

iPad Logo

The iPad Logo should be 500 pixels wide, by 200 pixels high. This will appear on your iPad kiosks running SinePoint Pro.

For this logo, it is important to consider the colour scheme of the background you will be using to ensure sufficient contrast. For example, if your background is dark, use a light version of your logo, and vice versa for a light background.

You may choose to use your full logo, including both a brand and wordmark, or in some situations using just a brandmark can also have a fantastic look!

To maintain consistent space around your logo and the rest of the Sine interface, it is best to align your logo to the right-hand side of a 500 x 200 pixel image, with a transparent background.

Mobile Site Logo

The Mobile Site Logo should be 256 pixels, by 256 pixels. This will appear in the Nearby sites list within the Sine Pro mobile app.

While you can use your full logo, we often find that due to the small, thumbnail nature of this logo in Sine Pro, a brandmark is the best option.

You can leave the background of this logo transparent, however, we have found that using a brightly coloured background colour for the Mobile Site Logo can really help your site to stand out when it appears in the Nearby site list!

iPad Backgrounds

The background images should be 2,048 pixels, by 1,536 pixels. In choosing your background, it is important to consider the legibility of the text and Sine interface that will be overlayed on top of it. Images with both extremes of contrast, dark blacks and bright whites may be difficult to maintain legibility over. So too, particularly complex or busy images may be distracting from the Sine interface.

Add your site logos

To update your site logos, you will need to navigate to Sites from the left navigation bar, then select Settings and scroll to the Branding section.

Then, choose Upload image for the logo you want to update, and either drag and drop the file or select it using the file explorer.

Once uploaded, the image will save automatically so there is no need to manually save your selection.

Update your iPad backgrounds

To update your iPad background, you will need to navigate to Sites from the left navigation bar, select Settings for the site your are updating, and then select iPad and scroll to the Background Images section at the bottom.

Then, choose Upload image for the background you want to update, and either drag and drop the file or select it using the file explorer. If you would like to cycle through multiple images, repeat this step for background images 2 and 3 also.

Default backgrounds to help you get started

If you're not sure where to start, we have a suite of default backgrounds that you can use for your sites. To get started, you can download the suite below, and then it's as simple as uploading your own logos!

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