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How to create a workflow

A comprehensive guide to help you create workflows and streamline your compliance processes.

Robert Sterling avatar
Written by Robert Sterling
Updated over a week ago

To get started, navigate to the Workflows dashboard and select Your workflows. Then, click Create Workflow.

When you create a workflow, there are two key areas—the settings and the form content.


This is where you will set the parameters for your workflow, covering the following areas:


Here, you can enter the workflow's name and a short description, along with a thumbnail image.

When your workflow is ready to be distributed, ensure you have toggled Workflow enabled to be on (indicated by the green colour of the switch).


These settings determine the sites your workflow will be linked to. There are three options to choose from:

  • Don't include sites: if this is selected, your workflow will not be linked to a site, but rather your team as a whole. For teams with only one site, this will be the default choice. If you have a team with multiple sites, you may use this option to create a workflow that spans all of your sites.

  • Ask respondents to choose a site: respondents will be asked to select the site their response is for, from a list, the contents of that list can be selected using the checkboxes below.

  • Don't ask respondents about sites: the workflow will be valid for all of the sites selected from the list using the checkboxes below.


By default, the approvers of your workflow will be based on permissions set in your team page. In this mode, the workflow can be approved by any one of the approvers listed.

If you require more than one user to approve your workflow, you can turn on Custom approvers per workflow. When this is enabled, you can then assign a custom list of approvers for your workflow.

With custom approvers enabled, there are two options for managing your approvals:

  • Single approver required — only one of the listed approvers is required to approve a response

  • Require everyone — all of the listed approvers must approve a response, until that point it will be shown as ‘Pending’

If you setting custom approvers, you will need to ensure that Approvals are turned on for that workflow, you can read on to see how this is done, or when setting up your workflow fields you will need to include Yes/No questions that utilise the 'Approval required' option.


Here you can select how long a response should be valid.

  • Specific Date: This option makes it so that the inductions expire at a specific date (for example 10/12/2019). If the duration is to be set by the respondent, you will have the option to select between asking for the Date or the Date and time.

  • Elapsed Time: This option makes it so that all responses expire after a certain amount of time has elapsed since it was submitted (for example, after 1 year).

If you enable "Send expiring response reminders", the respondent will receive reminder emails 30, 14, 7 and 1 day(s) prior to their response expiring. When disabled respondents will only be notified when their response has expired.

As in the example below, responses will expire after a period of 1 year from submission and expiry reminders will be sent:


If you would like responses to your workflow to be automatically approved, leave approvals turned off.

If this is enabled, then responses will be sent to your Workflows administrators to review, in accordance with your permissions set for your team, or the custom approver list you have set for the workflow.

Setting up your workflow's form

Click on the button Set up forms and introduce questions, document upload requirements, security diagrams and much more.  To learn how to create Workflow forms click here. Once you've finished creating your workflow, click Save in the top right corner of your screen.

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