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Team Permissions - Workflows

This article explains how to provide and manage access for the Sine Workflows admin dashboard

Rhiannon Shepherd avatar
Written by Rhiannon Shepherd
Updated over 2 years ago

Learn how to provision access to Sine Workflows for your team members.

Note: By default, all Team Administrators in your Sine Account account will have access to manage all of your team's Workflows. For more information on Team Administrators in Sine, please see this guide.

Workflows permission types

Workflows access is managed on two primary levels. The first determines which workflows a user should have access to, this is done by Global, Site-Specific or Workflow-Specific access. The second level determines the actions they can take as a user. These are either Viewer, Approver or Admin permissions.

Below, are the different roles that can be assigned to users.

Site Approver

A Site Approver has site-specific permissions that grant access to approve responses for specific sites. This access level is similar to the Workflow Approver except they will be able to see and approve responses that are applied directly to their site, irrespective of workflow.

A Site Approver will be able to view workflows that are set to “Ask respondent to choose a site” and the site they are approver for is selected.

  • Can view and responses that are submitted for their site

  • Can approve/reject workflow responses for sites they have permissions to

  • Can receive notifications when new responses are submitted for sites they have permissions to

  • Can create Admin responses for workflows on behalf of a respondent - only for sites for which they have permission.

Adding a Site Approver is done via the Workflows Dashboard.

Site Viewer

A Site Viewer has site-specific permissions that grant access to view responses for specific sites.

  • Can view responses that are submitted for their site

Adding a Site Viewer is done via the Workflows Dashboard.

Workflow Approver

A Workflow Approver can have 'Global' permission  (access to all Workflows on team) or 'Custom' permission (Access to specific Workflows only)

  • Can view the workflow responses for all workflows they have permissions to

  • Can approve/reject workflow responses for all workflows they have permissions to

  • Can receive notifications when new responses are submitted to workflows they have permissions to

  • Can create Admin responses to workflows on behalf of a respondent

Adding a Workflow Approver is done via the Workflows Dashboard.

Workflow Admin

Workflow Admin is a 'Global' permission and grants access to all Workflows on your team.

A Workflow Admin has the same permission as an Approver, plus:

  • Can edit, create and delete all Workflows on their Team

  • Can edit Workflow settings and forms

  • Can view a list of team members and their permissions.

  • Can invite new team members and assign them permissions on the team equal to or lower than their permission level.

  • Can modify permissions assigned to team members (other than Team Admin / Team Owner)

  • Can delete other team members (other than Team Admin / Team Owner)

Adding a Workflow Admin is done via the Workflows Dashboard.

Workflow Viewer

A Workflow Viewer has workflow-specific permissions that grant access to view responses for specific workflows.

  • Can receive notifications when new responses are submitted for workflows they have permissions to

  • Can view responses that are submitted for their workflow

Adding a Workflow Viewer is done via the Workflows Dashboard.

Team Administrator

Team Administrators are added via 'Teams' Tab on the Sine Dashboard (cannot be edited via Workflows). This permission is global and applies to all Workflows on your team. A Team Administrator:

  • Can access all Settings on your Team's Sine account

  • Can remove any Workflows team members and change their permissions roles

  • Can add team members at any permission level on the Sine platform

How to provide access and add new members

Login via the Workflows Dashboard, and select Manage Team menu on side menu.

Then click Add Member to invite a new user to your team, then enter the email address of the user you'd like to invite and click next to confirm.  

5. Allocate the desired access role. There are three options:

Option 1: Assign a Global Access Role

You can assign the user as an Admin or Approver or Viewer globally. This means they will have this access level for all Workflows on the Team.

Select the desired access role, click next and confirm by clicking Send Invite.

The user will be sent an email with a link to claim their Workflows access and sign in with their existing Sine account. If they don't have an account, they will be prompted to create one.

Option 2: Site Access

Site Access allows you to assign “Approver” permission to specific site(s).

Apply the desired “Approver” role to the site as required and click next then confirm by clicking Send Invite. By default permission are set to “None”.

Option 3: Workflow Access

Workflow Access allow you to assign Approver or Viewer permissions to specific Workflow(s). The Admin role cannot be assigned to specific Workflows and is a global role only.

Allocate the roles as required to the desired Workflows. No access will be granted for Workflows marked as None.

Confirm the access by clicking Send Invite.

The user will be sent an email with a link to claim their Workflows access and sign in with their existing Sine account. If they don't have an account, they will be prompted to create one. The user will only be able to see Workflows for which they have been assigned a role.

Your new permissions will appear in the Team list.

Edit Permissions

To edit permissions or provide custom permissions for new Workflows, click on the Pencil icon from within the Manage Teams page.

Use the edit popup to change or provide extra permissions as required, and then SAVE your changes by hitting “Confirm “and it will take effect immediately.

If you have further questions on Workflows access, please contact our support team via the chat icon in the bottom right of this screen. 

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